Does Your Calling have anything to do with Real Estate?
Why Get into Real Estate?
It’s a good question and deserves and honest answer.
There are a lot of pluses and minuses to consider before even attempting to enter this highly competitive field. On the other hand, if you feel it is your calling, then success is inevitable. If, on the other hand, you are just considering this field among many others, proceed cautiously with this information in mind.
As a Real Estate Agent, in most cases, you are your own employer. You work for you. In other words, you’ve followed your state’s requirement’s, step by step, passed the Agent’s License Examination, and you now you’re ready to pick a Real Estate Broker to Mentor under. Your call.
While Your Mentor (Real Estate Broker), may ask for a say in personal decisions regarding such activities as “Floor Time,” (when the - Agent On Call), answers the questions of call or walk ins and if a sale is make earns the commissions from that sale, in most instances - You set your own hours
Also, while your Mentor may ask to be notified for purposes of scheduling “Floor Time,” and other activities that may involve you, You arrange and take vacations when you want to.
Take into consideration that you Mentor (Real Estate Broker), is in business to make money and those who help the Real Estate Broker reach financial goals are often rewarded while those who do not may be asked to take their Real Estate License elsewhere.
Real Estate, for most part, is a commission business. A sale equals income. No sale equals no income
One of the big lures to becoming a Real Estate Agent is the income potential. Without doubt, it is there. There are thousand of Real Estate Agents, even today, who’s income fare exceeds the national average. They attend informational and motivational conferences, put on by their companies and the industry, in exotic locations which, without question, is part of the lure.
Keep in mind, however, that most Real Estate Agents are out of the business and industry, entirely, within a few years after entering – for a variety of reasons. Some their own making. Some not.
Hard work. Rejections. Long hours. Rejections. Weekends. Rejections. Deadlines. Rejections. Heavy-Heavy Competition. Rejections. If you thrive in this type of environment and believe me some do – and do it well – then this lifestyle may very well be your future. Especially if you are convinced that this is your calling.
What are the most common career Paths in Real Estate?
Real Estate Agent
· Agents work with one Real Estate Broker at a time who displays the Agent’s license in the Broker’s office for public view.
· That Broker serves as the Agent’s Sponsor and in many but not all cases, Mentor.
· Agents work as apprentices to the Broker
Usual steps to becoming a licensed Real Estate Agent
· Be at Least 18 Years of Age
· Complete Your Required Education and Exam Prep.
o Usually 75 Hours Training Course approved by your State or Province
o Complete the course final exam with a proctor
· Choose a sponsoring broker
· Background check
· Register and pass the State or Province Salesperson Licensing Exam
· Apply for your license.
Real Estate Broker
Can be a Associate Broker working out of and affiliated with another Broker.
Can open a one-person Brokerage Firm
Can open a Brokerage Firm with Agents
Responsible for Agent Behavior during the selling of Real Estate
Responsible for Proper Financial Accounting of the entire Firm – all transactions
Usual steps to becoming a license Real Estate Broker
§ In most cases you must be 21 years of age
§ Must be a licensed Real Estate Agent for a period (2 – 5 Years) before initiating the steps into becoming a Real Estate Broker (Check with your State or Province)
§ In most cases, you must have a High School or equivalent education.
§ Complete, in most cases, 40 to 75 hours additional training
§ Background check
§ Register and pass the State or Province Brokers Licensing Exam
§ Apply for your Brokers license
This applies to most States and or Provinces:
· Be at Least 18 Years of Age
· Complete Your Required Education and Exam Prep.
o This is extensive and various in each state. You must consult your State or Province on these requirements
o warning! Make sure you cover all the basis on the educational part of your preparation for Licensing.
· Complete a Background Check.
· Complete Your Lawful Presence Verification and Take the Georgia Salesperson Licensing Exam.
· Apply for Your State License.
Agent and Broker Companies
There are different packages offered by companies, but they most often break down into three categories.
Training Focus Companies.
These companies emphasize their New Agent Training Program that assumes the New Real Estate Agent doesn’t know very much about Real Estate, or anything else, and hand walks them through the process required to make sales. For this, the company normally takes a larger share of the Agent’s Commission, on each sale. This, in fact, may be very fare considering the Agent with no prior training is sure to fall flat on his or her face without any training. Of course, these companies also provide space and the necessary equipment and tools for the Agent’s success.
Share/Training Companies
Like, Training Focus Companies, these companies also provide space and the necessary equipment and tools for the Agent’s success. However, while they may offer regular or occasional training, they expect the Agent to use their independence to secure the necessary training mostly on their own. For this reason, the Agent normally receives a higher commission on each sale.
Expense Share Companies
These companies provide necessary space, equipment and tools for the Agent’s success and charge the Agent a monthly fee. Under this type of set up the Agent receives a higher percentage, if not all the commissions on each sale.
What study method did most Real Estate Agent’s use in order to pass the License Examination on the first attempt?
The answer, to this question, will not come as any surprise to any of us.
We have all been to school.
We’ve all learned from self-study and others.
Teachers have taught, lectured and pontificated while we, along with our student peers, have faithfully taken notes. We’ve raised our hands to answer – and look good in front of the class and especially the teacher - and stared at desktops in fear of being called.
We’ve, “checked-out,” that student, or students, sitting next to us or a few seats up and lost focus only to regain it later. We’ve shared notes, and prior tests – if we could get our hands on them – and even written little, “aids,” to ourselves right before entering the classroom for the examination.
But not this time. Not in this examination.
Every building – outside and inside, house, barn, shed, piece of or track of land is Real Estate. Everywhere.
And you will be sitting for an examination that, if passed declares – to everyone – that when it comes to Real Estate, you, “Know Your Stuff.”
Every Real Estate closing involves attorneys – at least one. Legal papers are meticulously prepared, signed and witnessed then filed according to Law. You must, “Know your stuff.”
This, then, is the real world of Real Estate.
And entry into this Real World of Real Estate, will take work.
Individual work.
Only you will be sitting in that booth taking the Real Estate Agent’s License Examination.
No one else.
No help.
No notes.
No friends.
Just you and what you have learned.
And if you, “Know your stuff,” you will pass. If not, you will not.
Ultimately all learning is individual.
Let’s be honest with one another here. We know, in the final analysis, when we want to make sure we, “have it down,” you and I must, “get off by ourselves,” – “buckle down,” and learn the material. Study by ourselves.
All learning – real learning – when we finally, “get our act together,” is individual.
It’s personal.
The classroom can be a lot of fun.
Comradely and community building is wonderful.
Most people love to be around other people.
But when it comes to really learning something and passing a serious examination – like what you must learn - to pass the Agent’s Real Estate License Examination – it’s all up to you and you alone.
Now that I have your attention about this serious licensing examination, let me tell you a little story.
A true story.
A success story.
You guessed it. It’s a short story about how a person who new absolutely nothing about Real Estate, studied and passed the Agent’s License Examination on the first – and in this person’s case – only attempt.
And passed with, “Flying Colors.” In other words, scored well above the required number of points in order to pass.
That person entered the Real World of Real Estate as a Licensed Real Estate Agent and later became a licensed, “Real Estate Broker.”
You can do that as well.
If you make the commitment!
“Get off by “your-self,” “Buckle Down,”
“Get your act together,” learn!
Then when you – you walk into that proctored, Real Estate Agent’s Licensed Examination Room, you will “Know Your Stuff!”
And your, Agent’s Real Estate License – framed – will tell the world.
How did that person in the story do it?
Pass the examination on the first attempt?
How did that person, “get off alone,” “buckle down,” and, “get it together”?
So, when sitting in the examination room, in that little cubical where there was no question too big, too great that was not answered correctly….
That person took an Online Course written exclusively for persons wanting to pass the Agents Real Estate License Examination on the first attempt.
That person was Me
You got it sports fans…. Me
Little ole Me
Me - And I want you to know I, “smoked that sucker.” “Blew it away.” Walked out of that examination with my head so high I could smell the clouds – well almost.
So now you know.
I’ve done a lot in my life….so far….and have a lot more to do.
I’ve had in my classes, during the past 20 years, over 5,000 college students – some on campus in classrooms, some in the online classroom. Fact is, I’ve taught so many online classes I’m a “Certified Advance Facilitator.” Doesn’t mean a whole lot to a lot of people, but in the academic world it means I’ve taught – or facilitated, as we like to say, a whole lot of students online.
Both the traditional classroom and online learning are good. Students all over the world learn by attending and participating in both.
But, if you must really, “get it down,” and as a professional, “Know your stuff,” in my opinion and through years of personal experience, online learning is best.
Online learning forces the student to focus on the material better.
With that in mind…
To let you go off on your own and not share with you what I know about passing the Agent’s Real Estate Licenses examination would be selfish – on my part.
Now there are a lot of online real estate companies and courses out there and I’ve checked the most popular ones out for you.
Without question, in my opinion the numbers say it all.
The company I used still ranks first place in my mind – and I bet will in yours as well.
Let me walk you through this.
The company I used for both my Real Estate Agents and Brokers license was: BARNEY FLETCHER SCHOOLS, a highly respected educational company within the Real Estate Industry within the state of Georgia – USA. Here is their link;
Outside the state of Georgia – USA, BARNEY FLETCHER SCHOOL’S parent company is: CAPE SCHOOLS. You will use the parent company if you live outside of the State of Georgia, USA. Here is their link (IF YOU SEE - "RETURN HOME?" CLICK ON IT):
Go on their site and look around. While you are there, check them out by reading all about them and especially their, “Pre-License Course for Real Estate Agents.” It’s a winner!
Outside the State of Georgia: CAPE SCHOOLS(IF YOU SEE - "RETURN HOME?" CLICK ON IT) :
I’ve asked their permission to tell you about them.
And to share with you my experience with them.
Their online Real Estate Courses are second to none – in my opinion – and for that reason alone, I highly recommend them.
Their support, when needed – I phoned them twice – if memory serves me correctly, was quick, accurate and right-on.
So, again, if being a licensed Real Estate Agent, is part of your calling, I highly recommend studying for your license by taking an online class with: BARNEY FLETCHER SCHOOLS. Here is their link again for those of you living in the State of Georgia USA:
Outside the State of Georgia: use their Parent Company CAPE SCHOOLS:(IF YOU SEE - "RETURN HOME?" CLICK ON IT)
Both BARNEY FLETCHER SCHOOL’S, Parent company CAPE SCHOOLS, and BARNEY FLETCHER SCHOOLS offer Continuing Education, classes which each state requires after you’ve earned your Real Estate Agent’s license. Not a big deal. Continuing Education Classes just continue your Real Estate education and keep you up to date.
So, there you are.
If you are seriously thinking of taking your Agent’s License Examination to become a licensed Real Estate Agent,
BARNEY FLETCHER SCHOOLS, in the State of Georgia USA – or CAPE SCHOOLS, if you live outside of the State of Georgia, USA is your best choice.
Here are their links again:
It’s a no brainer. Click on the link and check them out.
If you live inside the State of Georgia - Click on this link: BARNEY FLETCHER SCHOOLS:
If you live outside the State of Georgia – Click on this link (IF YOU SEE - "RETURN HOME?" CLICK ON IT):
Pursue Your Happiness!!!
